English - Français

Guide d'installation

Etape 1 : Inclure tarteaucitron.js

Installation manuelle gratuite


Etape 2 : initialiser le script

Téléchargez le script


Ajoutez le script sur votre site
<html> <head> <script src="/tarteaucitron/tarteaucitron.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> tarteaucitron.init({ "privacyUrl": "", /* Privacy policy url */ "bodyPosition": "bottom", /* or top to bring it as first element for accessibility */ "hashtag": "#tarteaucitron", /* Open the panel with this hashtag */ "cookieName": "tarteaucitron", /* Cookie name */ "orientation": "middle", /* Banner position (top - bottom) */ "groupServices": false, /* Group services by category */ "showDetailsOnClick": true, /* Click to expand the description */ "serviceDefaultState": "wait", /* Default state (true - wait - false) */ "showAlertSmall": false, /* Show the small banner on bottom right */ "cookieslist": false, /* Show the cookie list */ "closePopup": false, /* Show a close X on the banner */ "showIcon": true, /* Show cookie icon to manage cookies */ //"iconSrc": "", /* Optionnal: URL or base64 encoded image */ "iconPosition": "BottomRight", /* BottomRight, BottomLeft, TopRight and TopLeft */ "adblocker": false, /* Show a Warning if an adblocker is detected */ "DenyAllCta" : true, /* Show the deny all button */ "AcceptAllCta" : true, /* Show the accept all button when highPrivacy on */ "highPrivacy": true, /* HIGHLY RECOMMANDED Disable auto consent */ "alwaysNeedConsent": false, /* Ask the consent for "Privacy by design" services */ "handleBrowserDNTRequest": false, /* If Do Not Track == 1, disallow all */ "removeCredit": false, /* Remove credit link */ "moreInfoLink": true, /* Show more info link */ "useExternalCss": false, /* If false, the tarteaucitron.css file will be loaded */ "useExternalJs": false, /* If false, the tarteaucitron.js file will be loaded */ //"cookieDomain": ".my-multisite-domaine.fr", /* Shared cookie for multisite */ "readmoreLink": "", /* Change the default readmore link */ "mandatory": true, /* Show a message about mandatory cookies */ "mandatoryCta": true, /* Show the disabled accept button when mandatory on */ //"customCloserId": "", /* Optional a11y: Custom element ID used to open the panel */ "googleConsentMode": true, /* Enable Google Consent Mode v2 for Google ads and GA4 */ "partnersList": false /* Show the number of partners on the popup/middle banner */ }); </script> Back Next step

Options : Petit bandeau, Langue, Hors UE

Etape 3 : ajouter les services
